This morning Lindy told me she is thankful for pilgrims. I guess she had her school Thanksgiving feast on her mind at an early hour. I know she doesn't completely comprehend what the pilgrims did and their importance to our country but she does know enough to include them in her thankful list, so that's a start.
I'm thankful for my little pilgrim and would've traveled on the Mayflower over and over to bring her home to me.
Hey...who ISN'T thankful for a pilgirm??? Yours sure is darling!!!
You are such an awesome Mom!!!! What a wonderful way to teach Lindy to be aware of the things she is thankful for!!!!! LOVE IT!
I am going to start this conversation with my girls today! Thanks for inspiring me!
She is the cutest little pilgrim ever! How sweet that she is thankful for pilgrims.
By the way...thank you for your sweet comments lately. God seems to speak to people on just the right day that I need to hear from Him. He used you this week my friend. Love you and thank you for praying for me.
Love Love your little pilgrim girl! Thanks so much for your comments on our blog. Looking forward to spending some time here on your blog and getting to know you.
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