Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tellin' it like it is...

You really have to love the honesty of young children. They call it as they see it.

For example, on Monday while Lindy and I were eating lunch, I spilled some water ALL the way down my light blue t-shirt. A few moments later Lindy was tugging at her bib and kept saying, "Bib, Mommy. Bib, Mommy. Bib, Mommy." Confused, I acknowledged that she was wearing her big over-sized bib. Nothing new about that...why all the fuss???

Then the light bulb clicked on when she pointed at my big dribble and said, "Bib, Mommy" again. She was trying to give me her bib because I was such a mess. I laughed and asked her if she thought I needed a bib and she laughed back and said, "yes." Funny thing is, judging by some of my shirts, I probably do...

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Red, white, and blue, and lots of rain, too

We had a very laid back, soggy Fourth of July holiday. The highlight was seeing Uncle Steve & Aunt Pauline who pulled into town on Monday all the way from southern California. We feel really honored and blessed that they would come all this way to see us, considering my cousin (their son) and his family live in the Lubbock area. If you're not familiar with TX, Lubbock and San Antonio aren't exactly in the same vicinity.

We talked a lot, ate a lot, and they played a lot with Lindy. She loved having them around to willingly play with her, read to her, and give her lots of attention. I tried to talk them into potty training her but no deal there...They did however provide some helpful advice regarding the matter.

Hope all of you had a lovely day and that you had a chance to reflect on the meaning of the holiday. Here are some pictures of us during the holiday.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Little Drummer Girl

One of the things we hope Lindy will take an interest in is music. Both Don and I love music and we'd love for that to be a part of Lindy's life, too.
Lindy has shown an interest in the piano but last week she got a taste of a new instrument--THE DRUMS. At first she really wasn't sure about them. "Noisy" she said. But it didn't take long before she wanted to have a try. I kid you not, but there was one time where she banged the sticks together three times like good drummers often do before the music starts.
Here are some pictures of our little drummer girl getting her first drum lesson from her special friend Cliff.