Lindy cracks me up. I know it is probably pretty typical of a Mom to think her kid is so funny but Lindy has always delighted me with her sense of humor and the things she says.
Here are some recent classics...
M: Good morning princess.
L: I'm not the princess, I'm the queen.
That one took me by surprise. "Princess" isn't a common nickname we use for her. She hasn't watched Disney or really gotten into dress-up yet, so her only exposure that I know of to princesses are the pictures of Cinderella, Jasmine, Ariel, and Belle on her pull-ups and panties. So how did she know a queen trumps a princess???
Here's one from yesterday...
L: I love Grandma. I love Grandpa. I love Kansas. I want to eat Kansas.
People in the Sunflower State be afraid, be very afraid...
This is a common phrase while eating...
L: Mmm, mmm, mmm. It's perfect. I love it.
Don't get me wrong, not everything gets that reaction (especially if it is of the vegetable persuasion) but her zeal really gets me.
To my dismay, Lindy can be aggressive with certain kids. I've been trying to tell her not to hit or hit back, push or push back, etc., but to "turn the other cheek." I know it is a big concept/phrase to use with a two year old and I do break it down for her so that she'll understand. I hear her talking about turning the other cheek quite often. Last week she was running and totally busted on the kitchen floor and hit her cheek. It left a mark and when I asked her if her cheek hurt, she said, "Turn other cheek." Well, my love, I am not sure that would've made a difference but thanks for listening to the lessons I'm trying to teach...
Oh to know what is going on in the head of a two year old...